The 13 Codes of Customer Centric Expressions

The 13 Codes of Customer Centric Expressions
The 13 codes of Customer-Centric expressions are a set of 13 pre-defined customer-centric phrases with which staff are to start their sentence-construction in their day-to-day interaction with Customers. These rules have been extensively tested to ensure they are all you need to completely eliminate junk expressions while interacting with Customers ("I can't", "You can't...", "You have to...", "So what do you want me to do..." etc; See long list of junk expressions here). These codes are not about pronunciation or accents; they are about “Customer-Centricism”. See how we developed the codes.

Why do we need codes? 
We need codes in order to make sure that behavioural patterns of staff align with Corporate Identity; that is why we have Codes of Conduct and Dress Codes. Without codes, staff may display different behavioural pattern capable of turning our offices into a house of commotion and disorder. Codes provide a framework and uniform rule that ensures that everyone says and does things professionally in accordance with Corporate Vision and Identity. See Code 1 of the 13 Codes of Customer-Centric Expressions.
Common Practice of staff becomes Organizational Culture. In the long run, if certain wrong conduct is not checked by Management, it becomes the organizational culture of that organization such that Customers believe that is how things are done in that organization.

Nigeria has a chronic case of uncustomer-centric expressions, we conducted a research and found out that expressions used in our professional environments are no different from those used in very informal situations like the Market place, the Motor Park, the University, on TV and on Radio.  See excerpts of these expressions. It is worse that most organizations are yet to neither take note of this nor see how it drives Customers away.
These expressions, over the years, have become organizational culture of most organizations and Government establishments. This is why expressions used when interacting with Customers in our “Professional Environment” are exactly what you hear at the Motor Park and the Market Place.

Ex: Oga; Oga Sir; Shebi i told you; abi?; I can’t do it; You have to come back; No be my fault (See more examples here)

We currently interact with Customers with expressions that are absolutely “UnCustomer-Centric”.
Project Alpha provides the solution. It is a Management by process method. Whatever is not fixed by corporate governance is abused bycommon practice. We need codes to influence organizational culture.
Our 13 Codes of Customer-Centric Expressions will completely eliminate the use of “street language”. It provides a professional alternative to ALL the wrong expressions we hear in our professional environment and public service environment.
The 13 codes have already been put to rigorous test and they’ve proven to be ALL you need to interact professionally with Customers. The 150+ street expressions (and many more) have their professional alternatives in these 13 codes. Our implementation method to ensure it becomes common usage in your organization is unparalleled.

See Code 1 of the 13 Codes of Customer-Centric Expressions.